Thursday, December 16, 2010


im leaving
for good
hope to see you guys again someday
im sorry if i ever hurts your feeling

hahahaha gila ka
nk pegi holiday la esk
gatai betoi..ahahahah

Sunday, December 5, 2010


aku bnci dia
dia igat dia sapa
jgn suka2 buat aku duka (ehh?cm mnrik bnyi)
aaaa benci...

**mood:merajok wlaupn org xtau dan xdak org nk pujuk

p/s:i hate you!!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

it's him!its him

im sooOOoooooo happy..i thnik i can totally fly rite now..bhahahah
its 27Nov people..remember i told yah bout Jay's concert tix..yahhh!!thank god..xdek sesiapa yg tkorban dlm adegan mbeli soooo happy since we (my sis n i) are gonna b the VIP on that concert...Woot*woot!!the price?nahh not gonna tell yah..hee..owh jay..i just cant wait for next so happy paham x happy?happy bagai nak gila paham x?hahahahahah..

note:the tix sold out like pisang goreng panas k..its started at 2pm 50% of both day (4&5 march) dh nk abeh k..really wanna go on sat..but the VIP seats are sold out..but still!!4march yeaahooo

p/s:sister dear been planing about going on both a cheap tix on sat..hmmm..good idea..hahahah

p/s/s:its indoor stadium sooooo!!jay and us are soooooOOOoooooooOOOo (agak kot) dekat yeahhh..hahahahha...

p/s/s/s:mom dont know about it dead if she found out bout our "white lies" hahahah

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


unstated status:Siti Aishah is politely asking you to get out of my life

urghh why!!when my <3>
its unfair. T_T just go away if you don't plan on staying ;(
i don't get you and i have no intention to learn about you since im done
ka!!just ka :((

Monday, November 22, 2010

Sunday, November 21, 2010

title?do i have to?can i keep it blank?[bhahahaha]

family's big event: my cousin,Nurul bertunang..Taniah!!!she looked soo yiputa n sweet bangat in that dress..thanks to the mak andam and
aila jd Mak nyah ja that day..LOL..and wearing mama's kebaya..heee..congrats to gg (abang ina) as well dh nikah dia..dh besaq dia skarang (ckp cm org tua2) ;)

just realized something, its been ages since i went out for movie,shopping ect
so today (sunday) went out with the girls (sisters) a.k.a bank $$ heee..watched was awesome (xdisangkal lagi) cant wait for part 2..this is the first time aku xtgedik2 nk tgok masa day 1..[pelikk]i bet its because dh besar (heh?) n i know the ending already [x!!tipu!deadly hollow is the only book i haven't read..wonder y?]kena pnja
m kat kak dayah ni..heee ;)) N!!this is the first movie ever i went off to the toilet..dang!!missed the best part..shiott..[p/s:saya gadis yg slalu bcita2 nk ke toilet during final exam..tapi xpenah ;( ] hah!!poster crita 2 alam 2 perlu ka cm2?mmg la cta xlaku..ngek btoi..hahah...having coffee at winter warmers b4 the movie..just wanna try it
kk 3/5 stars la..i prefer coffee bean [mmg la!!!s my sis said]hahahah

im a music/food sensor..hahahahahaha ??

there's lots of vacancy at sunway..but otoke..jie asked me to follow dia (alasan) will off to fringie after the party which im looking forward to..hopefully this tues or wed eh gfs?

erkk jay's concert ticket will launch this 27nov..HOW!!!got no money till next year..pnjam mak?kau nk kena smbelih...jual organ??heheheheh ngekk!!

p/s:there's still 1month + left..smpat aishah..jia you!!!urghh (too happy being kutu beras)sob3

beloved sisters!!CN3 can't wait for you to join our family...hahhahaharose something so-so lah...

Thursday, November 18, 2010

stupid cupid!u've got the wrong person

u have no idea how badly i wanna tell you how i felt deep down..
bull you!!urghh..i hate this feeling izit PMS'ing oredi?
this finger just can't stop itself from clicking onto your profile (well since its the only way)urghh
i hate it when im supposed to hate you but i don't
i just hate that i like you that much u stupid moron!!
please do something that makes me hate u even more (but every time it turned otherwise)boodohh

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

My 1st date?!!

if that considered as my 1st date i shall screammmm and meroyan like crazy since it doesn't flow as i want it to [org kuat berangn mmg cmni]

naah it just a lepaking with the BFF (amar) since dia mmg nk nyusahkan aku bila "demam" la sgt..ngada ja we went out...just us..both of us. ;) confession!!!this is my first time going out with a guy..bdua.sob3..ksian kan

right after balik dr kg my sis droped me at sunway..its raining and all that..xpala i asked him to come after pegila solat alone and jlan2 sndirian at popular...chiss!![apa yg aku nk crita sgt sbrnya ni ha?] knpiussss???

ok erkk cm2laahh pas2 balik...the end..boriing!!!!!!!!!hell!!hahahhahhahahahhah

he told me everything..things that we wanted to talked about..eye 2 eye sgt..chiss
dia dh break [yeaaaaa!!] erkk no x.,we're just friend FOREVER!!kalaupn mak bekenan sgt kat dia..hahhaha

n bebel2 lagi..met with the Jr time kat skolah..kuang hajar budak2 2 buat xknal..xhormat betol [tbawak2 crita krea dlm khdupan mlsia yg krang sopannya]

yaaaaaaaa saham saya dh he said...kuang hajo

apakah kejadah dsblik en3 ni pn xtau...booo.

off me go!!headache yg mlampau..dang!!

p/s:harry, just you wait..nntilah tgk kau..xdek mood..mebi sbb xbc the last book..iskk smpai ati aku,..sorry ron..c u this sb2. ;))

sebaya with the kebaya?

wooo!!what's that?lol..erkk just wanna show off with the's mama's i bet its d same age as mine..(15) soo impressed that mama pnya body was like mine...goshh ada potensi nk mbesar ngn sihatnya like her rite now.hahaha..there's 3 pasang mama bagi.this one dark blue with red, black with red kerawang n the other one is orange kot.but i like this one much prsan after years mama bagi...with the V shape koler gi2..i like!hehehe.mak said bju yg skarang pn than.simpan elok2 untuk ank cucu..baikk mak!!i will
p.s:salam aidil adha..;) woke up late sbb abeskan tgk playful
p.s.s:braya at tok pah was fun..since suma balik..damia sgt bulat n gemokkk...geram!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

siti di alam fantasi

bf bru ai..budak skolah lagi..hahahha


how i wish this kind of guy wujud

firdaus,kalau awak ada tjmpa saya sila

ngeeee its just a fiction character that im currently reading."menggamit syurga firdaus"
why i like him soo much

1. he's Chinese and convert to islam [dengan hrapan jay would get hidayah and msuk islam..amin..]
2. he's super nice and romantic,pnyabar thap gaban..yaaaa ada ka org cmni
3. because he is firdaus..;) love it

jay,if you read this (ehh ni mrujuk kt jay mana eh?both also can) [gaaataaaalll] silalah mlamar xsopan..hihihi

buah hati pengarang jantung

mohd adam haris,09,09,2010 day 1

yeahh..adam pasti ditatang bagai minyak yg pnuh nieh..pasti!!
p/s:maksu lebiuu adam yg kuat kntot
p/s/s:nnt upload gmbar baru..xdek dlm lappy ni


dear gfs,
im sooo sorry i haven't post anything since the holiday (ehh yaka?i think b4 lg kot)
criuz shit,aku xtawu nk tlis this is something that on my mind right now
ow cik nurul farhanah..jganlah kamu gudah gelana...tkot sgt dia kena mrah sbb that
being single best what..ehehhe<--gelak xiklas..

sgtlah xsuka kalau lpas tgk crita korea..nk bf jgak!!!dia dduk ja srumah..nk jgakk!!hahahahah meroyan..btw gfs silalah layan cta playful kiss..urgghh sgt mgiurkan hati..that's y im in

ahh lupa nk thank iza dgn sepenuh ati sbb tmpangkan umah dia last time..tq izaaa...lebiuuu..
sgtlah rindukn moment nk bgelak ktawa n bgossip cm cik kiah ngn cik una n maddy n smualaahh..

heyy..saya mn boleh dduk rumah jdi kutu beras ja..tix jay mahal la taun dpn..i need job!!!jual organ bleh?lol

since in lapTOPless,so im only gonna on9 during the night. after my sis blik keja..sob3

so far,khdupan sbagai kutu beras berjalan lancar..yoshhh..its good to b home sbb bleh mlompat2 cm katak sawan n jerit2 bila ujan n (bla mak xdek) nk cari pasal..huhuh..

ada mug baru...walaupn mnun tea bodoh ja..rasanya sngguh enak..hahha..sbb dia ada katak..yeaa
n speaking of katak..omaigoshhhh!!that dream of him..hahahhahha sgtlah suka except when that place full of katak!!dang!katak n tapi suka..dia.. tak tak dia..hahahhaha (sawan sketika)

eh apa aku bebel ni ha..merapu ja..ok la jnji

p/s:missssyuuu gfs

p/s/s:nama firdaus sgt sdap kan?dushhh

Monday, October 25, 2010

Terima Kasih Tuhan

cantik kan?this is bloody hell yg cntik for my asgmnt..kalo nk cita kisah perit spnjag buat asgmnt ni mmg x terbilang but i always say this to me "tuhan xkan duga seseorg 2 dgn dgaan yg dia xmmpu buat" thank god everything went well..bsyukur sbb dkurniakn kwan2 yang baik nk mmpos..trima kasih tuhan

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Unstated status

Siti Aishah is mglami gnguan hormon y mbuatkn dia nk jmpa n bgedik2 saja dgn gfs nya.rndu y bhlol sbb br jmpa kt kls bbrapa jam ago.

p/s:u dont post dis kind of ‘ketam’ on fb coz its gonna cause others to puke.or think u're!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010


dia ajak main poker la yu..
ai malu
tapi mahu..

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

ku bahagia =)

1.went to melaka with love with them.thanks 4 d memories guys.

2.tong smpah texted me dgn pnuh riak ckp nk pegi hong kong!kuang hasam.dh lma xjmpa.rndu dia.have a fun n save jney siong!

3.incik lappy dh xnk bkejasama sgt.nseb ada incik hp y ensem ni

4.owh my dean!!supernatural sea.6 now on air!dang.seas.5 pn xabeh tgk lg.yosh!mlm ni amk dr housemate.

5.gfs [paan,una,maddy,iza,efy,shahid]been looking 4 my blog.ha3.dh bg hint kt paan n una.kalo jmpa tniah eh!

6.nakk balik!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010


Ok.this is my 1st entry via phone.batak sketika.hehe

Thursday, September 16, 2010

bleed it out

its hurt
been locked my heart
its bleeding again and again
saying it out loud?
i don't have the guts to hurts you
when all it said
me,have no right at all
don't ever asked then
just do it your way.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Am i asking for too much?

cut the crap will ya..
did u ever try to make me (us) listen
what are we to you then
silence kill tho
i hate it when im making the bad assumption
its like im the bad guy here.

Friday, September 3, 2010


im home!!save and sound
thank God,
melepaskan rindu mskan mak ngn mkan xhenti2 dr lpas bbka..gosh..aiming for 45 people!
its 45kg ler..hehhe..yoshh!go me..
btw slamat hari raya
im so excited to bhari raya ngn kakak ipar..yehoo..
n yah..baju raya still xbli lagi..huh
esk!!yosh harus mkan byak2 unt tnaga bshoping..ngeheheh..

p/s:oren dh balik still xjmpa dia pn..mak ckp mebi dia p ngawan =)

Thursday, August 26, 2010


Aku tak lari jauh,setempat saja
i shall stop when i need to.

yah,thats me..a runner
aku ska lari dari msalah or anything that i can't deal with.
i know its bad.but sometimes when everything seems to be soo hard i think i btter for me to run
but as i not running away..still there..thinking.. i'll stop when i have the answer for it
one thing for sure ALLAH always there for me and with me..

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

mock meeting

my CEO n i..this is b4 our mock meeting for professional communication's class.
i think we did well...good job Flash Airlines' crews
tomorrow, Dr Mazli is going to show the class video taken from the meeting
malu siott!!we're the 1st group kot!!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

bila mimpi jadi realiti

well..emm how to put this
lately (er since cuti sem lagi)
i keep on having dreams that turn out REAL!dang
ok here's one..aku mmpi Brazil kalah time lawan ngn holland..4-1
dlm mmp 2 la
and it turns out they really kalah..ok la
aku x take it as a big deal la since aku mmg nk sgt brazil kalah
but last night
omg..t'esak2 kot aku nanges after that dream..aku mmpi ada gegaran and bgun yg aku g tu runtuh..pas2 aku kol mak aku then she said something xclear sgt..
pas2 aku tjaga n trus nages cm org gila mati akal ka hapa..huaaa
aku bgun and amk wuduk
nk kata aku tdo x bsuh kaki aku tdo pas mndi n solat kot..hmm
hah!!pagi tadi
sedang enak aku n my room8 dok bsmbg2(er xjgak..aku dok mnum n dia gyut with her mum)
tiba2 kami bgoyang!!omg cawan yg aku pegang 2 bgoyang2..tkot gila..
trus kitaorg on9 n tgk mmg ada gmpa bumi kat sumatra,
lagilah aku takot..
hmm..i told my bff..he said i should buat solat taubat..
it just a dream la kan after all..
tapi aku still takot!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

bila busan

thanks to efy (my classmate) now im crazy with this picnik thing.hee
me...totally xbseni..mebi bdak tdika can do btter than

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

NO if (naive)

im gone
will anybody ever miss me?
when nobody ever see my existence
will they (if any) cry for me?
noo!you just want to laugh with me, used me, and make fun of me
i am nothing to you
im just your ear when your mouth used to speak so loud
you don't use your eyes to see me
thank you, my heart tho it seem strong, it does bleed sometimes.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

misery business

i am so frustrated with me, really hope that it will be alright
Tuhan tolong aku, tumpah jugak air mata yg betakung tu

Monday, June 28, 2010


still awake with a cup of suam-suam suku nescafe accompany me..why am i here again?because im finally feels than im to write whats on my mind, whats been going on.. today (err yesterday) my beloved lappy is finally home with me after almost 3 month of being "injured" with the bloody smart (as the bro said) virus that tried to kill him <---(coz my lappy is a guy/,Jay) soo happy today..all the data are recovered..(thank God, i have like gazilloin pictures in here) so its all save and sound..yipii..

this is the last week of my semester it or not i have to move my big fat lazy ass to Shah Alam or i shall say the conclude the sem break?me = KUTU BERAS,FAT CAT,and all those things that equal to malas..goshh..and..i've cried a lot..hah..over something i don't think i can take it easy coz its not!!!but well thats can be cruel sometimes..and i don't blame the fate..coz its written.but God please help me,ease my <3>

p/s: i've gained 5kg these past 2 months..oooyeahh

its football mad nation babeh

see i won it already, so guys..go home..its all mine..LOL
never ever ask me "paham ka tgk bola"
try that if u want me to give a long super intellectual speech for you.LOL
well its undeniable fact that im watching the hot guys running over an Innocent ball (hah!!hahah)
well other than that, football for me is more than that..this is the time when you sell your country's name and where are you from..really hope that one day Malaysia will make it through the world cup..its has been long enough and I hate Maxis's football ad..thank god for that at least we have something to be proud of but its lame you know.its about time for us to change.sorry. I know, its easier said than done but for crying out has been so long..somebody from the team..sell your soul lah..hahah..forgive me..its a joke

p/s: viva Espana+porto+Argentina = really need to learn Spanish ai aii mi'amor

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


alamakk..rsia sya tlah tbongkar..(rsia la sgt kalo dh wt www..suma bleh jmpa)
kakak sya jmpa blog sya..sya malu tmpt ngrot sya sja..mluah rasa hati tnpa segan silu..mncarot sesuka hati..isk malu i..hmm awan soh update..emm ni kira la kn?hahha..nk2 nk update sgt2 tapi..hahah..mlas..yes thats d word..nnk cta sal jay smapai suma org muntah kejap la yea..i pns2 ni apa pn mls..hati gmbira cmni la..hahaha..penat bsuka riaa ngn jay lately his new album dh kuar album ke 10 tuee..ok2..unt jay t wt post lain...byee

Thursday, April 1, 2010

busy n happy = x!hee

ages huh?
urghh how to update when im too busy with my happy busy
tho got lots of work 2 do but still thanks to my gfs for the fun time we shared together.
final is making its way..getting near n nearer each day..wish me luck

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

i wish he read

Before I fall too fast
Kiss me quick, but make it last
So I can see how badly this will hurt me
When you say goodbye

Keep it sweet, keep it slow
Let the future pass, but don't let go
But tonight I could fall to sleep
To this beautiful moonlight

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
And your love is where I'm falling
So please don't catch me

See this heart won't settle down
Like a child running scared from a clown
I'm terrified of what you'll do
My stomach screams just when I look at you

Now fly away so I can breathe

Even though your far from suffocating me
But I can
t get my hopes to high
Cuz every hello ends with a goodbye

But you're so hypnotizing
You've got me laughing while I sing
You've got me smiling in my sleep
And I can see this unraveling
Your love is where I'm falling
So please don't catch me

Now you see why I'm scared
I can't open up my heart without a care
So here I go, it's what I feel
And for the first time in my life I know it's real

i wish im brave enuf to tell him..but im not!!goshh!!

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Akhir Rasa Ini

need to update my status..older till current

1.went to jb n everything went well..the wedding bla3..soo end up pnteng kls on monday.
happy since got new kak ipar n love johor's culture soo much

2.while i was away..there something going on back then in shah alam..that stoopid bloody moron REZA!!hahah..well gelakn kbodohn dia..such a LOSER!!orait xnk cta sal dia..dia bkn spa2 dlm idop gue

3. yeaa blik s.alam n jmpa GFS yg dsygi..

4. gadoh ngan housemate..OMG dh nmpk cm aku jahat gdoh here n there..but mls nk cta pnjg2..dia ttp SALAH!!

5. role-play unt kls prof..xska!!y aku kna jd bini fuad?!!

6. hah!!hatiku hancur..but it jz for 2 day..n i've cried like an idiot for 2 nite..SHITOO!!ta bu pei laaa..

7. wt asgmnt last min..well biasala kn..agak tgejt biawak with what happened at pa'an's..hahah

8. balik ke kampung halaman ngan hati yg gmbira cum erkk byaknya keja..dunno nk wt which 1 1st. soo xyah wt truss..

9. bz d umah with knduri this 21st back full with so called stamp..koopyop..huaaa..lengohh..


ok that's it..fin..hihihi

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nota pesanan ringkas unt dr snd

1. kurangkn gula dlm air!
2. bykn mnum air msak.
3. udah2 le tdo dlm kls (erkk agak ssh ni)
4. kurangkn bebel kat pa'an ..sian dia..
5. setiap rabu kena stop 7-11 bli old town coffee b4 class or else aku ninggal n ngigau dlm kls.
6. ahh rasa sngguh x pmpuan sb xdpt shopping!!ummmaa..i wish ada sejuta jtoh dr lngit..unt shopping aja..nak ksut br..bju..sob3.(sabar aishah..sabar)
7.kna wat latihan math..takot otak jem n reput n mebi bkarat..OMG!!
8. hah!!got lots of bday 2 remember dis year..=)
9. kurangkn dngar lgu korea?heh?apa kaitan tah
10. wooii blajar laa

ok sekian aja unt ari ni.

and owhh..yeaa jumaat ni pakngah.pakteh n makteh amk ke jb...yeaa..xyah nek bus..yea3..

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy birthday to me!!yeaa

im 22!!yeahh still alive!!syukur alhumdullilah..aku msih bnyawa unt hdup d ats bumi ni..n i think im done with the age year might be the best year ever since i got all my friends around kat png lak..xpa..jmpa next week kat johor..yeaa..can't wait 2 dpt the biggest hadiah in our family..we're welcoming AMY..erkk should start calling her KAK AMY by now..t kna blasah ngn my bro..heheh..ermm t dh xleh nk gdik2 mnja with my bro la..dia dh ada bini..sob3..hahah..xpa..pau ttp pau..N!!bkak ka aku nk ckp sal baday?hah!!lari litar lak..ok2..heheh ehem2 sya ptot lbeh mtang kan...bijak kan..bijak 2 tau dh..mmg bijak ank sairah ni..matang payah ckit la..uwaa..cmna nk matang kalo tdo still mmp antu n jerit2 (ri2 pnggil yati la) uwaa..there's a monster under my bed!!help..kikiki..ttba nk ckp cmni "i want a rich love"dang!! nenek fu an yang ckp la kan..biar kita miskin tp cinta 2 kaya..apa aku mlalot ni..slahkan ana!!hahah..sbb ehem3..i waiting 4 my prince charming this year..ko lambat lgi staun dh aku xnak 2nggu g dh..grab n run ja t kang..hahah..apa ni!!lari topic wonder i dont get A for hawa's pper..shito!!n yah..i wanna say my huge super big fat massive TQ to my girlfriends for da birthday surprises!!guess wut i really am surprised!!hehhe..tq..aku bngga n syukur dpt kwn2 cm kalian..bkn sbb korg blnja aku aku (well 2 pn kira la jgak kan) tp sbb u guys were there when i need it..tq tq tq tq smpai bbuih mulut aku..hait!!im living my life to the max!!won't let small stupid things overcome me!!as long as i got my gfs with good..=) n s i always wanna would b nice..hahaha..burung jinjang!!plizz drop him fast!! not that desperado k!!
n 1 more thing!!jay's bday was a day b4 mine..c..we got kimia!!=)

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Ta shi wo de chen ai
wo shi ta de ke ai nu ren..<3>


拜託 我想是你的腦袋有問題
不懂 你的黑色幽默
想通 卻又再考倒我
說散 你想很久了吧
當作 是你開的玩笑
想通 卻又再考倒我
說散 你想很久了吧

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

TO: awan n nemburyse

still!!y i can't put my comment on yr blog?
so here it goes.
DANG girl!!u makes me cry smbei sehh ingus!!criuzly
i love u awan..thats what friends r 4..we take care of each other..i think we're more 2 sisters than friends..God know how i can't live without u two..i love u girls soooo damn much u noe..hehe

another thing..ri2 time plak umah ina masa jmpa ibu dia aku ttba rasa nk ckp cmni'
"woi ampa xbusan ka..kta asyk kuaq b'3 ja..kat pnang pn..shah alam pn.."hahah
pas2 aku xjd la ckp sbb aku snd dh tau jwpn dia...4 me la..aku mmg xksah n it is the best thing dpt kuaq ngn ampa 2..hehe..smpai bila2 pn xpa..sbb aku nk hargai masa yg ada ni..who knows rite..heheh..xpa..xdek bf pn xpa asl aku ada ampa 2..hehe..uuuu syang kalian..

to suhana: pliz i noe wut u gonna say about me sying 'xpa xdek bf pn xpa" hahaha

p/s:nk private kn this blog la..don't like others to read it..just korang ja..huhu

Sunday, January 3, 2010

tolong2 rumah saya sk8!!

huaa nk mraung ja bleh x dlm post sma slah uitm g bg cuti lama2..tgk apa dh jd kat aku
huaa..mak..saya nk mak saya...bleh plak ngah iron bju bgenang air mata sbb windukan umah n rasa jiwa kosong...n ttba marah kat suhana sbb xnak serumah ngn pkir2 lik xleh..sob3 sdey wlaupan br pas blik bronggeng rokiah n shuping cm nk gila ngn mereka bedua..ya kamoo la 2..umma..emm nk try tgk URB la..kot2 TK oppa leh mrawat luka..hua..jie wo hen xiang ni..sob3jta..

Saturday, January 2, 2010

welcoming 2010

2010 means im a year older should b more wiser and matured?me?we'll see bout that..hehe
i wanna thanks 2009 tho its does bring more sadness than happiness to my family.but thats part of life rite..i wanna start this year with more n more of good and happy thingS..(n_n)yeaah
welcome 2010.."let's make the best out of our life" lets more sarang2 come to me..hehe