Monday, June 28, 2010


still awake with a cup of suam-suam suku nescafe accompany me..why am i here again?because im finally feels than im to write whats on my mind, whats been going on.. today (err yesterday) my beloved lappy is finally home with me after almost 3 month of being "injured" with the bloody smart (as the bro said) virus that tried to kill him <---(coz my lappy is a guy/,Jay) soo happy today..all the data are recovered..(thank God, i have like gazilloin pictures in here) so its all save and sound..yipii..

this is the last week of my semester it or not i have to move my big fat lazy ass to Shah Alam or i shall say the conclude the sem break?me = KUTU BERAS,FAT CAT,and all those things that equal to malas..goshh..and..i've cried a lot..hah..over something i don't think i can take it easy coz its not!!!but well thats can be cruel sometimes..and i don't blame the fate..coz its written.but God please help me,ease my <3>

p/s: i've gained 5kg these past 2 months..oooyeahh


  1. kutu beras?? errk.. relevan apakah??

  2. hehe..adala..cta korea ni..dia ckp mmt 2 malas cm kutu beras..hey..kutu bras 2 kn mals..mkn,tdo, idop dlm tong beras ja..aku la 2..ahahah
