family's big event: my cousin,Nurul bertunang..Taniah!!!she looked soo yiputa n sweet bangat in that dress..thanks to the mak andam and
aila jd Mak nyah ja that day..LOL..and wearing mama's kebaya..heee..congrats to gg (abang ina) as well dh nikah dia..dh besaq dia skarang (ckp cm org tua2) ;)
so today (sunday) went out with the girls (sisters) a.k.a bank $$ heee..watched was awesome (xdisangkal lagi) cant wait for part 2..this is the first time aku xtgedik2 nk tgok masa day 1..[pelikk]i bet its because dh besar (heh?) n i know the ending already [x!!tipu!deadly hollow is the only book i haven't read..wonder y?]kena pnja
m kat kak dayah ni..heee ;)) N!!this is the first movie ever i went off to the toilet..dang!!missed the best part..shiott..[p/s:saya gadis yg slalu bcita2 nk ke toilet during final exam..tapi xpenah ;( ] hah!!poster crita 2 alam 2 perlu ka cm2?mmg la cta xlaku..ngek btoi..hahah...having coffee at winter warmers b4 the movie..just wanna try it
kk 3/5 stars la..i prefer coffee bean [mmg la!!!s my sis said]hahahah
im a music/food sensor..hahahahahaha ??
there's lots of vacancy at sunway..but otoke..jie asked me to follow dia (alasan) will off to fringie after the party which im looking forward to..hopefully this tues or wed eh gfs?
erkk jay's concert ticket will launch this 27nov..HOW!!!got no money till next year..pnjam mak?kau nk kena smbelih...jual organ??heheheheh ngekk!!
p/s:there's still 1month + left..smpat aishah..jia you!!!urghh (too happy being kutu beras)sob3

chantek dowh kbaye ko tu. bwk laa sa ley bergaya kt sni.. :))
ReplyDeleteehehehe harta kluarga bleh pkai slalu..ahahah..nk bg kat ank aku mmg br prsan ianya sgt cntik..tmbah2 bila aku yg pkai..tq..ahahahha