if that considered as my 1st date i shall screammmm and meroyan like crazy since it doesn't flow as i want it to be..lol [org kuat berangn mmg cmni]
naah it just a lepaking with the BFF (amar) since dia mmg nk nyusahkan aku bila "demam" la sgt..ngada ja lbeh..so we went out...just us..both of us. ;) confession!!!this is my first time going out with a guy..bdua.sob3..ksian kan
right after balik dr kg my sis droped me at sunway..its raining and all that..xpala i asked him to come after magrib..so pegila solat alone and jlan2 sndirian at popular...chiss!![apa yg aku nk crita sgt sbrnya ni ha?] knpiussss???
ok erkk cm2laahh pas2 balik...the end..boriing!!!!!!!!!hell!!hahahhahhahahahhah
he told me everything..things that we wanted to talked about..eye 2 eye sgt..chiss
dia dh break [yeaaaaa!!] erkk no x.,we're just friend FOREVER!!kalaupn mak bekenan sgt kat dia..hahhaha
n bebel2 lagi..met with the Jr time kat skolah..kuang hajar budak2 2 buat xknal..xhormat betol [tbawak2 crita krea dlm khdupan mlsia yg krang sopannya]
yaaaaaaaa saham saya dh jatuh..as he said...kuang hajo
apakah kejadah dsblik en3 ni pn xtau...booo.
off me go!!headache yg mlampau..dang!!
p/s:harry, just you wait..nntilah tgk kau..xdek mood..mebi sbb xbc the last book..iskk smpai ati aku,..sorry ron..c u this sb2. ;))
ko nie nak jay kee??firdaus ke..nak amar??
ReplyDeletemata keranjang sungguh!! XD
hahahhahhahha!!kau br tau ka?aku mmg gatal nieh..aku nk jay lah!!jay!jay jay..woo