still!!y i can't put my comment on yr blog?
so here it goes.
DANG girl!!u makes me cry smbei sehh ingus!!criuzly
i love u awan..thats what friends r 4..we take care of each other..i think we're more 2 sisters than friends..God know how i can't live without u two..i love u girls soooo damn much u noe..hehe
another thing..ri2 time plak umah ina masa jmpa ibu dia aku ttba rasa nk ckp cmni'
"woi ampa xbusan ka..kta asyk kuaq b'3 ja..kat pnang pn..shah alam pn.."hahah
pas2 aku xjd la ckp sbb aku snd dh tau jwpn dia...4 me la..aku mmg xksah n it is the best thing dpt kuaq ngn ampa 2..hehe..smpai bila2 pn xpa..sbb aku nk hargai masa yg ada ni..who knows rite..heheh..xpa..xdek bf pn xpa asl aku ada ampa 2..hehe..uuuu syang kalian..
to suhana: pliz i noe wut u gonna say about me sying 'xpa xdek bf pn xpa" hahaha
p/s:nk private kn this blog la..don't like others to read it..just korang ja..huhu
still cannot a?rsa da adjust da.huhu
ReplyDeletei luv u 2 mrs cullen n nemburyse!!hehe.. :)
xda niat nk wat ingus ang mleleh.haha get well soon dear. xda bf pn xpa?haha.. u sure a?hehe
hahha..yala2 kna la ada bf!tp ang dlu la..hahah
ReplyDeleteaku mnuggu r_ _ _ .hahaha. jgn tggu aku a, kang andalusia 2 2 org.hehs