Monday, December 28, 2009

i wish orange can talk

orange mkn xtgk kiri kanan

ttba ja..i just fed orange just now..n as always do some chit chat with
n there's a silence answer from him xcept for miuww2 hahaha
this is might be another part of me that peps don't know coz im not "berjiwa binatang" sgat lol
it just that my orange is sumwhat special to me..ya ya ..ORANGE!!if u can read..i love u!lol
looks who's nut here..ME..ahahaha
HAH orange cm tau2 aku ngah ngumpat dia..he's under my bed now..hahah..


  1. finally...ecah show some love to animal..gudjob dear!

  2. haha..wait until aku bbaik2 ngan buaya n kerbau n lembu semua..muahah
    tau x..sbnaqnya aku wish nk soh orange ckp n aku nk sh dia g amk hp aku sbqnya,,nk amk gmbaq dia la gak..whh terbebel lak
