im sooOOoooooo happy..i thnik i can totally fly rite now..bhahahah
its 27Nov people..remember i told yah bout Jay's concert tix..yahhh!!thank god..xdek sesiapa yg tkorban dlm adegan mbeli soooo happy since we (my sis n i) are gonna b the VIP on that concert...Woot*woot!!the price?nahh not gonna tell yah..hee..owh jay..i just cant wait for next so happy paham x happy?happy bagai nak gila paham x?hahahahahah..
note:the tix sold out like pisang goreng panas k..its started at 2pm 50% of both day (4&5 march) dh nk abeh k..really wanna go on sat..but the VIP seats are sold out..but still!!4march yeaahooo
p/s:sister dear been planing about going on both a cheap tix on sat..hmmm..good idea..hahahah
p/s/s:its indoor stadium sooooo!!jay and us are soooooOOOoooooooOOOo (agak kot) dekat yeahhh..hahahahha...
p/s/s/s:mom dont know about it dead if she found out bout our "white lies" hahahah
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
unstated status:Siti Aishah is politely asking you to get out of my life
urghh why!!when my <3>
its unfair. T_T just go away if you don't plan on staying ;(
i don't get you and i have no intention to learn about you since im done
ka!!just ka :((
urghh why!!when my <3>
its unfair. T_T just go away if you don't plan on staying ;(
i don't get you and i have no intention to learn about you since im done
ka!!just ka :((
Monday, November 22, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
title?do i have to?can i keep it blank?[bhahahaha]
family's big event: my cousin,Nurul bertunang..Taniah!!!she looked soo yiputa n sweet bangat in that dress..thanks to the mak andam and
aila jd Mak nyah ja that day..LOL..and wearing mama's kebaya..heee..congrats to gg (abang ina) as well dh nikah dia..dh besaq dia skarang (ckp cm org tua2) ;)
so today (sunday) went out with the girls (sisters) a.k.a bank $$ heee..watched was awesome (xdisangkal lagi) cant wait for part 2..this is the first time aku xtgedik2 nk tgok masa day 1..[pelikk]i bet its because dh besar (heh?) n i know the ending already [x!!tipu!deadly hollow is the only book i haven't read..wonder y?]kena pnja
m kat kak dayah ni..heee ;)) N!!this is the first movie ever i went off to the toilet..dang!!missed the best part..shiott..[p/s:saya gadis yg slalu bcita2 nk ke toilet during final exam..tapi xpenah ;( ] hah!!poster crita 2 alam 2 perlu ka cm2?mmg la cta xlaku..ngek btoi..hahah...having coffee at winter warmers b4 the movie..just wanna try it
kk 3/5 stars la..i prefer coffee bean [mmg la!!!s my sis said]hahahah
im a music/food sensor..hahahahahaha ??
there's lots of vacancy at sunway..but otoke..jie asked me to follow dia (alasan) will off to fringie after the party which im looking forward to..hopefully this tues or wed eh gfs?
erkk jay's concert ticket will launch this 27nov..HOW!!!got no money till next year..pnjam mak?kau nk kena smbelih...jual organ??heheheheh ngekk!!
p/s:there's still 1month + left..smpat aishah..jia you!!!urghh (too happy being kutu beras)sob3

Thursday, November 18, 2010
stupid cupid!u've got the wrong person
u have no idea how badly i wanna tell you how i felt deep down..
bull you!!urghh..i hate this feeling izit PMS'ing oredi?
this finger just can't stop itself from clicking onto your profile (well since its the only way)urghh
i hate it when im supposed to hate you but i don't
i just hate that i like you that much u stupid moron!!
please do something that makes me hate u even more (but every time it turned otherwise)boodohh
bull you!!urghh..i hate this feeling izit PMS'ing oredi?
this finger just can't stop itself from clicking onto your profile (well since its the only way)urghh
i hate it when im supposed to hate you but i don't
i just hate that i like you that much u stupid moron!!
please do something that makes me hate u even more (but every time it turned otherwise)boodohh
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
My 1st date?!!
if that considered as my 1st date i shall screammmm and meroyan like crazy since it doesn't flow as i want it to [org kuat berangn mmg cmni]
naah it just a lepaking with the BFF (amar) since dia mmg nk nyusahkan aku bila "demam" la sgt..ngada ja we went out...just us..both of us. ;) confession!!!this is my first time going out with a guy..bdua.sob3..ksian kan
right after balik dr kg my sis droped me at sunway..its raining and all that..xpala i asked him to come after pegila solat alone and jlan2 sndirian at popular...chiss!![apa yg aku nk crita sgt sbrnya ni ha?] knpiussss???
ok erkk cm2laahh pas2 balik...the end..boriing!!!!!!!!!hell!!hahahhahhahahahhah
he told me everything..things that we wanted to talked about..eye 2 eye sgt..chiss
dia dh break [yeaaaaa!!] erkk no x.,we're just friend FOREVER!!kalaupn mak bekenan sgt kat dia..hahhaha
n bebel2 lagi..met with the Jr time kat skolah..kuang hajar budak2 2 buat xknal..xhormat betol [tbawak2 crita krea dlm khdupan mlsia yg krang sopannya]
yaaaaaaaa saham saya dh he said...kuang hajo
apakah kejadah dsblik en3 ni pn xtau...booo.
off me go!!headache yg mlampau..dang!!
p/s:harry, just you wait..nntilah tgk kau..xdek mood..mebi sbb xbc the last book..iskk smpai ati aku,..sorry ron..c u this sb2. ;))
naah it just a lepaking with the BFF (amar) since dia mmg nk nyusahkan aku bila "demam" la sgt..ngada ja we went out...just us..both of us. ;) confession!!!this is my first time going out with a guy..bdua.sob3..ksian kan
right after balik dr kg my sis droped me at sunway..its raining and all that..xpala i asked him to come after pegila solat alone and jlan2 sndirian at popular...chiss!![apa yg aku nk crita sgt sbrnya ni ha?] knpiussss???
ok erkk cm2laahh pas2 balik...the end..boriing!!!!!!!!!hell!!hahahhahhahahahhah
he told me everything..things that we wanted to talked about..eye 2 eye sgt..chiss
dia dh break [yeaaaaa!!] erkk no x.,we're just friend FOREVER!!kalaupn mak bekenan sgt kat dia..hahhaha
n bebel2 lagi..met with the Jr time kat skolah..kuang hajar budak2 2 buat xknal..xhormat betol [tbawak2 crita krea dlm khdupan mlsia yg krang sopannya]
yaaaaaaaa saham saya dh he said...kuang hajo
apakah kejadah dsblik en3 ni pn xtau...booo.
off me go!!headache yg mlampau..dang!!
p/s:harry, just you wait..nntilah tgk kau..xdek mood..mebi sbb xbc the last book..iskk smpai ati aku,..sorry ron..c u this sb2. ;))
sebaya with the kebaya?
p.s:salam aidil adha..;) woke up late sbb abeskan tgk playful
p.s.s:braya at tok pah was fun..since suma balik..damia sgt bulat n gemokkk...geram!!
Monday, November 15, 2010
how i wish this kind of guy wujud
firdaus,kalau awak ada tjmpa saya sila
ngeeee its just a fiction character that im currently reading."menggamit syurga firdaus"
why i like him soo much
1. he's Chinese and convert to islam [dengan hrapan jay would get hidayah and msuk islam..amin..]
2. he's super nice and romantic,pnyabar thap gaban..yaaaa ada ka org cmni
3. because he is firdaus..;) love it
jay,if you read this (ehh ni mrujuk kt jay mana eh?both also can) [gaaataaaalll] silalah mlamar xsopan..hihihi
firdaus,kalau awak ada tjmpa saya sila
ngeeee its just a fiction character that im currently reading."menggamit syurga firdaus"
why i like him soo much
1. he's Chinese and convert to islam [dengan hrapan jay would get hidayah and msuk islam..amin..]
2. he's super nice and romantic,pnyabar thap gaban..yaaaa ada ka org cmni
3. because he is firdaus..;) love it
jay,if you read this (ehh ni mrujuk kt jay mana eh?both also can) [gaaataaaalll] silalah mlamar xsopan..hihihi
buah hati pengarang jantung
dear gfs,
im sooo sorry i haven't post anything since the holiday (ehh yaka?i think b4 lg kot)
criuz shit,aku xtawu nk tlis this is something that on my mind right now
ow cik nurul farhanah..jganlah kamu gudah gelana...tkot sgt dia kena mrah sbb that
being single best what..ehehhe<--gelak xiklas..
sgtlah xsuka kalau lpas tgk crita korea..nk bf jgak!!!dia dduk ja srumah..nk jgakk!!hahahahah meroyan..btw gfs silalah layan cta playful kiss..urgghh sgt mgiurkan hati..that's y im in
ahh lupa nk thank iza dgn sepenuh ati sbb tmpangkan umah dia last time..tq izaaa...lebiuuu..
sgtlah rindukn moment nk bgelak ktawa n bgossip cm cik kiah ngn cik una n maddy n smualaahh..
heyy..saya mn boleh dduk rumah jdi kutu beras ja..tix jay mahal la taun dpn..i need job!!!jual organ bleh?lol
since in lapTOPless,so im only gonna on9 during the night. after my sis blik keja..sob3
so far,khdupan sbagai kutu beras berjalan lancar..yoshhh..its good to b home sbb bleh mlompat2 cm katak sawan n jerit2 bila ujan n (bla mak xdek) nk cari pasal..huhuh..
ada mug baru...walaupn mnun tea bodoh ja..rasanya sngguh enak..hahha..sbb dia ada katak..yeaa
n speaking of katak..omaigoshhhh!!that dream of him..hahahhahha sgtlah suka except when that place full of katak!!dang!katak n tapi suka..dia.. tak tak dia..hahahhaha (sawan sketika)
eh apa aku bebel ni ha..merapu ja..ok la jnji
p/s:missssyuuu gfs
p/s/s:nama firdaus sgt sdap kan?dushhh
im sooo sorry i haven't post anything since the holiday (ehh yaka?i think b4 lg kot)
criuz shit,aku xtawu nk tlis this is something that on my mind right now
ow cik nurul farhanah..jganlah kamu gudah gelana...tkot sgt dia kena mrah sbb that
being single best what..ehehhe<--gelak xiklas..
sgtlah xsuka kalau lpas tgk crita korea..nk bf jgak!!!dia dduk ja srumah..nk jgakk!!hahahahah meroyan..btw gfs silalah layan cta playful kiss..urgghh sgt mgiurkan hati..that's y im in
ahh lupa nk thank iza dgn sepenuh ati sbb tmpangkan umah dia last time..tq izaaa...lebiuuu..
sgtlah rindukn moment nk bgelak ktawa n bgossip cm cik kiah ngn cik una n maddy n smualaahh..
heyy..saya mn boleh dduk rumah jdi kutu beras ja..tix jay mahal la taun dpn..i need job!!!jual organ bleh?lol
since in lapTOPless,so im only gonna on9 during the night. after my sis blik keja..sob3
so far,khdupan sbagai kutu beras berjalan lancar..yoshhh..its good to b home sbb bleh mlompat2 cm katak sawan n jerit2 bila ujan n (bla mak xdek) nk cari pasal..huhuh..
ada mug baru...walaupn mnun tea bodoh ja..rasanya sngguh enak..hahha..sbb dia ada katak..yeaa
n speaking of katak..omaigoshhhh!!that dream of him..hahahhahha sgtlah suka except when that place full of katak!!dang!katak n tapi suka..dia.. tak tak dia..hahahhaha (sawan sketika)
eh apa aku bebel ni ha..merapu ja..ok la jnji
p/s:missssyuuu gfs
p/s/s:nama firdaus sgt sdap kan?dushhh
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