Saturday, July 24, 2010

bila mimpi jadi realiti

well..emm how to put this
lately (er since cuti sem lagi)
i keep on having dreams that turn out REAL!dang
ok here's one..aku mmpi Brazil kalah time lawan ngn holland..4-1
dlm mmp 2 la
and it turns out they really kalah..ok la
aku x take it as a big deal la since aku mmg nk sgt brazil kalah
but last night
omg..t'esak2 kot aku nanges after that dream..aku mmpi ada gegaran and bgun yg aku g tu runtuh..pas2 aku kol mak aku then she said something xclear sgt..
pas2 aku tjaga n trus nages cm org gila mati akal ka hapa..huaaa
aku bgun and amk wuduk
nk kata aku tdo x bsuh kaki aku tdo pas mndi n solat kot..hmm
hah!!pagi tadi
sedang enak aku n my room8 dok bsmbg2(er xjgak..aku dok mnum n dia gyut with her mum)
tiba2 kami bgoyang!!omg cawan yg aku pegang 2 bgoyang2..tkot gila..
trus kitaorg on9 n tgk mmg ada gmpa bumi kat sumatra,
lagilah aku takot..
hmm..i told my bff..he said i should buat solat taubat..
it just a dream la kan after all..
tapi aku still takot!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

bila busan

thanks to efy (my classmate) now im crazy with this picnik thing.hee
me...totally xbseni..mebi bdak tdika can do btter than

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

NO if (naive)

im gone
will anybody ever miss me?
when nobody ever see my existence
will they (if any) cry for me?
noo!you just want to laugh with me, used me, and make fun of me
i am nothing to you
im just your ear when your mouth used to speak so loud
you don't use your eyes to see me
thank you, my heart tho it seem strong, it does bleed sometimes.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

misery business

i am so frustrated with me, really hope that it will be alright
Tuhan tolong aku, tumpah jugak air mata yg betakung tu