1. kurangkn gula dlm air!
2. bykn mnum air msak.
3. udah2 le tdo dlm kls (erkk agak ssh ni)
4. kurangkn bebel kat pa'an ..sian dia..
5. setiap rabu kena stop 7-11 bli old town coffee b4 class or else aku ninggal n ngigau dlm kls.
6. ahh rasa sngguh x pmpuan sb xdpt shopping!!ummmaa..i wish ada sejuta jtoh dr lngit..unt shopping aja..nak ksut br..bju..sob3.(sabar aishah..sabar)
7.kna wat latihan math..takot otak jem n reput n mebi bkarat..OMG!!
8. hah!!got lots of bday 2 remember dis year..=)
9. kurangkn dngar lgu korea?heh?apa kaitan tah
10. wooii blajar laa
ok sekian aja unt ari ni.
and owhh..yeaa jumaat ni pakngah.pakteh n makteh amk ke jb...yeaa..xyah nek bus..yea3..
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Happy birthday to me!!yeaa
im 22!!yeahh still alive!!syukur alhumdullilah..aku msih bnyawa unt hdup d ats bumi ni..n i think im done with the age issue..lol..this year might be the best year ever since i got all my friends around me..tp..mak kat png lak..xpa..jmpa next week kat johor..yeaa..can't wait 2 dpt the biggest hadiah in our family..we're welcoming AMY..erkk should start calling her KAK AMY by now..t kna blasah ngn my bro..heheh..ermm t dh xleh nk gdik2 mnja with my bro la..dia dh ada bini..sob3..hahah..xpa..pau ttp pau..N!!bkak ka aku nk ckp sal baday?hah!!lari litar lak..ok2..heheh ehem2 sya ptot lbeh mtang kan...bijak kan..bijak 2 tau dh..mmg bijak ank sairah ni..matang payah ckit la..uwaa..cmna nk matang kalo tdo still mmp antu n jerit2 (ri2 pnggil yati la) uwaa..there's a monster under my bed!!help..kikiki..ttba nk ckp cmni "i want a rich love"dang!!hahah..ni nenek fu an yang ckp la kan..biar kita miskin tp cinta 2 kaya..apa aku mlalot ni..slahkan ana!!hahah..sbb ehem3..i waiting 4 my prince charming this year..ko lambat lgi staun dh aku xnak 2nggu g dh..grab n run ja t kang..hahah..apa ni!!lari topic lagi..no wonder i dont get A for hawa's pper..shito!!n yah..i wanna say my huge super big fat massive TQ to my girlfriends for da birthday surprises!!guess wut i really am surprised!!hehhe..tq..aku bngga n syukur dpt kwn2 cm kalian..bkn sbb korg blnja aku aku (well 2 pn kira la jgak kan) tp sbb u guys were there when i need it..tq tq tq tq smpai bbuih mulut aku..hait!!im living my life to the max!!won't let small stupid things overcome me!!as long as i got my gfs with me..im good..=) n s i always wanna add..bf would b nice..hahaha..burung jinjang!!plizz drop him fast!!lol..gilo..im not that desperado k!!
n 1 more thing!!jay's bday was a day b4 mine..c..we got kimia!!=)
n 1 more thing!!jay's bday was a day b4 mine..c..we got kimia!!=)
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
TO: awan n nemburyse

still!!y i can't put my comment on yr blog?
so here it goes.
DANG girl!!u makes me cry smbei sehh ingus!!criuzly
i love u awan..thats what friends r 4..we take care of each other..i think we're more 2 sisters than friends..God know how i can't live without u two..i love u girls soooo damn much u noe..hehe
another thing..ri2 time plak umah ina masa jmpa ibu dia aku ttba rasa nk ckp cmni'
"woi ampa xbusan ka..kta asyk kuaq b'3 ja..kat pnang pn..shah alam pn.."hahah
pas2 aku xjd la ckp sbb aku snd dh tau jwpn dia...4 me la..aku mmg xksah n it is the best thing dpt kuaq ngn ampa 2..hehe..smpai bila2 pn xpa..sbb aku nk hargai masa yg ada ni..who knows rite..heheh..xpa..xdek bf pn xpa asl aku ada ampa 2..hehe..uuuu syang kalian..
to suhana: pliz i noe wut u gonna say about me sying 'xpa xdek bf pn xpa" hahaha
p/s:nk private kn this blog la..don't like others to read it..just korang ja..huhu
Sunday, January 3, 2010
tolong2 rumah saya sk8!!
huaa nk mraung ja bleh x dlm post ni..ni sma slah uitm g bg cuti lama2..tgk apa dh jd kat aku
huaa..mak..saya nk mak saya...bleh plak ngah iron bju bgenang air mata sbb windukan umah n rasa jiwa kosong...n ttba marah kat suhana sbb xnak serumah ngn aku..sob3..tp pkir2 lik xleh..sob3 sdey wlaupan br pas blik bronggeng rokiah n shuping cm nk gila ngn mereka bedua..ya kamoo la 2..umma..emm nk try tgk URB la..kot2 TK oppa leh mrawat luka..hua..jie wo hen xiang ni..sob3jta..
Saturday, January 2, 2010
welcoming 2010
2010 means im a year older should b more wiser and matured?me?we'll see bout that..hehe
i wanna thanks 2009 tho its does bring more sadness than happiness to my family.but thats part of life rite..i wanna start this year with more n more of good and happy thingS..(n_n)yeaah
welcome 2010.."let's make the best out of our life" lets more sarang2 come to me..hehe
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