Wednesday, November 25, 2009

go green..

hmm ari 2 me n my sis went to padang kota lama..s always la kn..lepak2 thing..huu..n im looking 4 my fev rojak..but unfortunately!my fev rojak xbkak that nite..but still me craving for some rojak n belila rojak mnjerit..then pkcik 2 nk bgkus..aku ckp la.."eh pkcik,xpyah plastik la" dia xdngar kot..ank dia ckp "ayah,dia xmau plstik" pkcik 2 kata "xpala,dh boh dh" n ank dia smbung "xpa kak,plstik free" n me..diam sat..huuu
paham apa yg igin sya smpaikan?.
.well pakcik..sya xnk plstik 2 bkn sbb ksian kat pkcik kn bli lg nnt..bkn tkot hbeh..but i'm saying NO to plastic ktaorg dh seboleh2nya tried our best to reduce the use of plastic bag..bring yr own bag..that won't hurt will it?huh..soo..peeps!lets play our part to save this planet that we called HOME..(n_n)v peace..

Friday, November 20, 2009

My current addictions

so..since im on nothing to do except for entertain myself so here are some of my fev drama on air right now..

momo love..hate her..she got 5 bro who cares soo much for her..n 2 guys waa..unfair!!
easy fortune happy life..yup3..suki3..currently on air every weekday 8.30pm on 8tv
i wanna b Go Mi Nam too..uwaa..

Tk oppa..cmel gla..cnnot tahan la tgk dia..sooo ensem

this is my MOST suki dashiooo among krean drama..with the cutest guy ever..oppa..heheh..on air kat korea skrg so tgk on9..oppa..kiso2..muackk

Thursday, November 12, 2009

im what

err lets see how long can it
i hate it when my sis bossing me around..what are u?ha?hate it..just leave me alone.
urghh..its pms i guess..when i started to hate most of the things around me..mummy help..just now..i did it prngai buruk during high school..hempas pntu n locked myself in this box..duhh..i wanna pee...n making myself a cup of tea..its so cold here since it's been raining all plan for today is making a scrapbook and end up nothing..i think i'll use the digital

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

home at last!!(n_n)

we do have time square

my sis showing off what?lol

Hmm hari ni its been a week after my final exam.Last week I went home on Thursday a day after my last paper.why?err yah it’s a bit shameful hut it because im running out of money and I don’t want to ask from my mum or sis so I decided to come back home. I went gamble on my luck that day. Went to section 17 bus station around 3 after my launch date with yan. My tong smpah..yah2 that day I just being her tong smapah..listen to all her pro..i love that moment. Blik umah jap kmas2 allby things..bwk blik all no’ain’s baju.min

e ziro..blik selai pninggang.huaa…nvm I can wears my sis’s lol…ohh where were sec 17.

Orait got my tic..bus at 5:15pm duhh its only 4..i have to wait like what an hour..its ok as long as I can go ats bus 2 I igtkn single seat..owhh dok sblah bdk pmpuan cina..hmm..dia diam ja ..i wonder y..yala xkn ttba nk smbang ngn aku kowt.then the bus stop isi minyak..huh..bdk to write something on her phone..says TANDAS aku ckp la..aa kat luar 2..(smbei tnjuk direction) dia tlis lg..IKUT.. ok..aku pn ikot la dia g tandas..hohoh dia bisu upanya..ptot xckp..hmm..pas2 dh smpai pnang ni..bus 2 nk naik jmbatan sbb g sg.nibung dlu..dia tnya lg..NI PNG KN? Yup2 aku jwb smbei tqenyeh2…aku pn cuak gak mmla salah nek bus ka…hmm igt nk trunk at jeti ja..dh alang2 bus ni g sg.nibung dlu 2run c2 jala kang my sis amek..time aku nk trun bus bdk 2 tnya lg..ADA LG 1 STOP KN? Aa ada2 g jeti..aku igt dia nk trun cni..2run jeti upanya..aku nk trun 2 aku salam la dia..dia siap cium tangan lagi..hoho..moga2 dia blik elok2..ksian plak aku…then aku terpikir..TUHAN nk amk nikmat yg dia bg pnjam ni sng ja kan..aku aku aku kuat becakap..becakap hal apa tah kdg2 yg elok..kandang2 tak..hmm aku bsyukur ngan nikmat yg dpnjamkan unt aku ni…=) tp kna b’ingat ..its not yours and HE can take it back anytime…aku smpai dh around 10 sumthing kowt..eikk…while waiting for my sis to smpai I called my

Aku: assalammualaikun…mak teka katna

Mak: wa’akumsalam..kat shah alam la…kn?

Aku:xla..dh kat pnang..hehehhe..blik td

Mak: la kata nk blik sb2

Aku:emm dh miskin blik la

Mak :ok..kak yang amk ka? kat sg nibung..blik umah kak yang dlu tau..sb2 ni balik umah

Mak: aaa ok (smbei kira..jmaat,sb2) aa lg 2 ari la blik

Aku:a’ah t cek blik ei..hehhehe


Lbeh kurang la having this STM (short terms memories) lol

Huaa lepaking kat umah kak yang 4 2 days

Ari sb2 ktorg plan nk mkn kat subway pas tgk tokba kat aku ckp nk g time square ada Wendy’s..ya2 ja..skali smpai t.square pn xsiap lg..n wendy’s pn xdak..aku slap tgk..hahaha end up mkn kat our fev place old town..yii..hmm blik umah mak bli drian plak..alamak..cannot tahan me kak yang n kak yanti membedal drian e2 ngn bsungguh2..mak xmkn..drh tnggi..nyum3 sdp…next day ahad..went to tokpah’s house..err aku cdangnya nk dok sna 4 a week but..emm cm busan ja..xjdi la..heheh..tok n maksu sma happy to see that. Orait..thats it..for this “chapter” lol

Me sign off


Tuesday, November 10, 2009

help me cry

its been a long time..yup
i've told ya im having this sort of difficulty in crying
i donno y..urhhh..need something that gonna makes me cry..plizzz