last week was my day out with ana chan n this week with ina 2 besties girlfriends ever..friends who were there when i need them..a dose of drug that make me not asking too much am i if i just i want 2 c them one a week?huhu..=) girls.. u have no idea how much u mean 2 u girls..muckk..xoxo
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Friday, October 16, 2009
wish me worse?tq soo much
haha!my mood swing again this week..its not pms bus
n btw thanks 4 wishing me to do my worse! wow and all i could say is that : yup i will do my best to do the worse thing than that..its hard to explain here but i know what i mean and im writing again which mean im mad...duhhh..hate it...
to ina: y aku xleh comment at yr blog eih..ampeh yah bout that guy in the lift im happy for u dear n betahan no matter what wif u my dear...ngheee..ajak2..jia you..lap u..n miss u sooo much..
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
miss me?
Friday, October 9, 2009
nur kasih?erkk jambu?

dis pix..dunno who 2 credit kn..nways..thanks..
td br msg2 ngn siong ckp aku xtgk r nur ksih ni..hahahhah ya2 ja ngaku..dh jdinya ku p tgk lak td..pas2...ermm terbitlah rsa gatai thap daun keladi dlm diri ni..ngahahah..bkn apa..nk kawen la plakk..erkk aku slalu mrh org nk kwen awai ni..ttba ja..hahah..not 2 worried ya kwn2 n just a sudden feeling..then i sms him la..i dunno y him la kn..hahahaah..hmm bestnya bcinta pas kwen..bleh wt drama kat bendang kat kg kota yg indah n permai cm adam n nur wt 2..2 ina...ya2 u can have him la..i just like the love part of the drama..emm..mummy get me a hubby!muahahah..woopsss
mood: gatai sokmo! hahah
Thursday, October 8, 2009
2 week 2 go!

hanging there..thats all i can say to me myself..n my friends tho..but err there's more to come..but a he always bebel 2 me.."besala 2..kata student" hait i got that..ala..kdg2 nk mnja2 ngadu xleh ka..hehehe..xlarat la nk ngadu byk keja ka test ka but doing nothing with sblah pn nek sk8 ati..kalo kta ckp cm dlm dnia ni kata ja ada byk keja..abeh student2 kat uitm ni SEMUA bermain2..pndai mkn pndaila smpan..kan2..heheh..ya udahla..mau layan edward,taylor n all my bfsss..hhahah..
Monday, October 5, 2009

err its weird isn't it?i haven't post anything here since err..yesterday..urhg that doesn't count coz tht one 4 ina..yah back 2 my qs?y aa?its simply bcoz im not mad at anything or anyone..coz im totally happy and im too kdkut 2 shared it with u..sorry..urkk..there's something i wanna post about my day out with ina..but the pic are with her...
me currently enjoying every second of my life..
jz wishing on one little spice up my life..hahaahahahah..kidding
taylor will do..muackkk
Sunday, October 4, 2009
unt ina
city_shah: desner- van leangeandergcity_shah: dutchazlina md yusof is typing a message.azlina md yusof: ok tqcity_shah: sl airy room- oval long bathcity_shah: supported by: .... metal legcity_shah: furnishing-colonial stylecity_shah: with dash of YMCAazlina md yusof has signed out. (10/5/2009 12:25 AM) city_shah: bar- counter top covered in mistletoe
ampeh toi aku x dan nk hbeh ckp dh out..amk la ni..xtau phm dak
ampeh toi aku x dan nk hbeh ckp dh out..amk la ni..xtau phm dak
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